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Eckankar: Religion or Cult?
c June 2005 Linda Munro

While this article involves the religion of Eckankar, I would like to briefly revisit Mormonism first.

Our last article dealt with Mormonism. After careful research, I declared: “With all of this evidence, and lack thereof, the only thing that I can say with a clear conscience is that Joseph Smith is not a true prophet of God; and millions of people have yet to see the light.”

I did have a response from one member of the Mormon faith, since the response indicated I was incorrect in my deduction, I felt that I should consider Mormonism again. Although I have studied a great deal more on Mormonism, I remain skeptical of this religion. I have learned the following which solidified my initial opinion:

Please note while I used first and secondary literature to seek my answers, I have attempted to locate web pages that will also show what I have found. I did not use these web pages as research,/p>

    First and foremost that Joseph Smith was the one who restored the true gospel to this earth; a typical claim by every cult. Every one of them says that the present Christian church is false and that their initial leader restored the "truth;" invalidating Christianity in order accept their faith.
    While Christianity teaches that there is only one God; Mormonism teaches that there are many gods.
    While Christianity teaches you cannot become a god; Mormonism says you can become a God.
    For the approximate 10,400,000 persons involved in Mormonism [with more than one half living outside of the United States] I ask this simple question – can you prove, with hard, documented fact, that I am incorrect? If so; email me at [please put Mormonism in the subject line].


    My initial investigation of Eckankar had me extremely excited, not because I felt this was a true religion, but because this ‘religion’ dealt a great deal with dreams, a part of my life I have always hoped to gain a better understanding of. Although Eckankar’s handbooks that are eagerly handed to anyone interested in the process of Dream’s and what they can teach you; the Religion itself is exceptionally questionable.

    Eckankar, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck), made it’s first appearance in 1965, founded by Paul Twitchell, a journalist, eccentric occult dabbler, and self-proclaimed soldier of fortune born in Paducah, Kentucky. His 1964 and l965 articles and lectures on his philosophy of "Biolocation," or out-of-body travels seem to be where the philosophy of Eckankar began. Although, as his religion progressed he began claiming that Eckankar was not initiated in 1964 but rather was a timeless and universal Truth which had been "revived" for public dissemination at that time.

    Originally centered in Las Vegas, Nevada, but after Twitchell's death and the coming to power of Darwin Gross, the group moved to Menlo Park, California. Today, its main headquarters are in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    Proclaiming himself the unique incarnation of God on earth (i.e., the "Living Eck Master"), Twitchell insisted that only through him and his movement could an individual find truth and salvation.

      It is a recent vintage eclectic movement
      It combines occult philosophy with mystical experience
      It holds to a misrepresentation of its actual origins
      Virtual veneration of the leader as God

    Since 1964. Eck has gone from (literally) nothing to a highly systematized belief system with a large corporate bureaucracy and an in-residence "God-man" Sri Harold Klemp, as its leader. To the 50,000 persons in the United States, Europe and Africa, I say this: I love the idea of learning about my dreams, but how is it possible that you have helped to make this organization so wealthy? Could it be that your “God” is literally taking you for all you are worth? My suggestion is that you take a good look at this religion; when a living man can claim to be able to travel farther into the Heaven’s than Jesus, because he is more powerful, does that not say something for the religion?

    There are a great many legitimate places that you can turn to in search of meanings of your dreams; to feel that you can travel to the heaven’s is wonderful; but to make an earthly man wealthier than he already is because he says he is a God? Think again!

    I am sorry to all of those who practice Eckankar but I rule this NOT a religion.

Issue #1, March 2005