Money Saving Recipes:
Money saving recipes can be anything from recipes for inexpensive meals to easy recipes utilizing left overs, to recipes for soaps, mixes, etc. to help save my readers money.
Please email me if you have any recipes or ideas you would like to share.
The following recipes are from Kate at Always Fresh Freebies. Please visit her site, she has been an immense help to me.
Inhalation Therapy
Put 2 drops lavender oil on a warm washcloth. Drape it over your face, lie
down for five minutes and breathe deeply.
Nervous Tension and Anxiety
Put 1 drop vanilla oil and 1 drop tangerine oil on a warm washcloth. Drape
it over your face, lie down for five minutes and breathe deeply.
Put 2 drops lavender, jasmine or chamomile oil on a warm washcloth. Drape
it over your face, lie down for five minutes and breathe deeply.
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