Denial of Death
Ernest Becker

Denial of Death
This is not a book for those who are seeking a quick self-help look at the world. It is extremely involved, and a very slow read. Although I must admit, it does make you take a look at the way people react to given situations, circumstances and even other people.
Ernest Becker, a cultural anthropologist, wrote this Pulitzer Prize winning novel as part of his search for explanations of human society development. The Denial of Death is his ninth book. Summarizing Becker’s response is difficult, for the book follows along so many psychological roads. The main gist of his novel is that human beings are mortal, and they know it. There is a sense of vulnerability that accompanies mortality thus leading to anxiety.
Becker claims that this all sums up to a psychological denial of death, thus leading to a basic human drive; avoiding the awareness of ones mortality. According to Becker, a human would go completely crazy if he did not consistently suppress ones awareness of his fragility. In fact, Becker claims that part of societies function is to feel that we are invulnerable; he also claims that feeling invulnerable can be disastrous; by individually building an unreal sense of self, thus acting as a group with an "immortality system."
This means that we identify with a group, be it religious, political, etc. As part of this group, we feel we are the absolute truth and act accordingly or inappropriately by Becker’s qualifications. An example of this action would be; if someone questions our beliefs, or philosophies, we would react negatively towards that person or group. This reaction has the adverse affect of boosting ones sense of invulnerability.
Despite the novel’s title; I would say that Becker gets far more involved then with one specific topic. What he has to say actually makes actions and reactions easier to understand. In general, it was an educational novel; but, unless you plan on spending quality time with this novel, I recommend you not bother.

I'd Kill for That
I'd Kill For That
A Serial Novel
I’d Kill for That is my first ever, serial novel. No, that does not mean that the book goes on and on, it means that the book was written by many authors. One author came up with the idea and wrote the first chapter, she then passed it to the next author and on, and on. What a challenge; twelve mystery and suspense authors, each with their own style, each with their own idea, working together to write one single novel. Each of the female authors had exactly one month to complete her assigned chapter. Now for the real question; how did they do? Simply amazing; that is the easiest and most accurate phrase that I can use to describe this project.
I did notice a variety of style, yet they seemed to flow well. The novel actually kept me reading, which I was certain it would be unable to do. I was a bit disappointed in the ending, due to the introduction, I definitely knew who had done it, I just wish that they would have given her a larger role throughout the story. Maybe it’s time to actually discuss the story.
The entire story occurs in a quaint little gated community known as, Gryphon Gate located in an extremely affluent section of Maryland. Despite the elite make-up of Gryphon Gate, each person has a secret o dark that they may be willing to kill anyone who dares threaten exposure of the secret. In fact, someone is doing just that, killing the residents of Gryphon Gate!
It starts simply enough, ex-wives blackmailing ex-husbands [after all, isn’t that a normal part of everyday life, at least if you are amongst the beautiful, the rich and famous?] At the same time, residents begin receiving strange faxes. Without indication of who sent the fax, or where the fax may have been from; in the center of each received page was a simple sentence requesting the recipient meet the mysterious faxer at hole six of the Gryphon Gate Country Club. To assure the recipient’s presence, the mysterious faxer indicated I know about……; exposing their secrets. Upon arriving at the sixth hole, the recipient would find what appears to be the first murder victim.
The faxes continue, the murder victims keep piling up involving the local police. Each time you feel for sure the murderer will be exposed, another victim piles up. The police are baffled; what they don’t realize is that someone else is hot on the trail of the murderer.
Its s fun book with each new author offering her own unique style and her own unique twist; I hope to see more of these serial books soon and I am sure you will too.


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