Pay It Forward – GAME CHALLENGE!
Although it may seem like just another long plead to get people involved in the Pay It Forward Movement; I promise this is a bit different. Read through the information and you will find that a Game Challenge has been issued! If you were not one of the six initial persons to be challenged and you would like to participate, simply follow the directions below! Not only can you make a difference to someone else; but now, you can have fun doing it!
Although we, as adults, should be role models for children, but the more I research, the more I am learning that children seem to have been taking over the role of role model! Although, by researching more thoroughly, we do realize that adults are assisting the children, unfortunately, it is not ALL adults, merely a select few. It is the same select few that are continuously guided in their efforts. Of course they are guided by other adults; who learned from the idea of the woman who inadvertently began the movement by writing the book Pay It Forward
Catherine Ryan Hyde.
Good deeds take over the world; someone with insight has started a website to united kids [and adults] worldwide in doing good deeds. I say we adults should not be shown up by our children! We should be working with them! We should be setting a good example for them! But, allowing children to continuously teach us – is there something wrong with that picture? Does it mean that adults worldwide have closed their hearts and minds? I simply cannot believe such a thing could or would happen. People, in general, are good, they mean well; they have just allowed themselves to be caught up and surrounded by the negativity that unfortunately continues to grow worldwide. It’s time for adults everywhere to counter the negativity; face the world with a smile, a kind word, and above all an anonymous good deed. Let’s start by taking a look at what the kids of the world are doing.
There are so many things that you can do that would constitute an anonymous good deed, something you can do for someone else without expecting something in return. No matter what sites you visit, you see advertisements. On occasion, you may click on one of the ads that catches your attention. Depending on the advertiser, you may have just done an anonymous good deed; some advertisers actually pay for your click. You can actually put your clicks to good use; a website named Deanna’s World has a page dedicated to good deed clicks. On this page your clicks will help raise necessary funding for everything from Aids research to cancer research. Setting aside one minute a day to click to donate equals six hours spent per year of doing anonymous good deeds. Who knows, one day those clicks may benefit you or someone close to you.
Sometimes a simple email can boost a person’s spirit. Sometimes a smile can make a stranger’s day [because kindness is contagious!].
I am simply attempting to help the reader understand how simple it is to help someone else; how sometimes a mere gesture can make a difference in someone else’s life; how easy it is to simply “Pay It Forward.” I have been pushing this issue for two months, although the idea has been catching on; I am a rather impatient person, in other words; I would like to hear [] that more people are getting involved! I have heard excuses for not helping strangers, for not smiling at someone you do not know, for not offering assistance when it is needed; the excuse “what difference does it make?” Paying it Forward is anonymous good deeds, or good deeds which a person will do for another, whether it be a stranger, a friend a relative; without expectations of getting anything in return. Some people cannot handle the expectation of doing something for nothing; if you happen to be one such person; start small, get involved in something where you will see what is happening, and the difference it makes. DO NOT FEEL BADLY if you cannot find it in yourself to believe you can make a difference with a small gesture; the Bible says that even those chosen by Jesus as his Apostles refused to believe without seeing with their own eyes. We are all human.
The Giving Game seemed like such a good idea; that I decided to start my own giving game agenda. I chose 6 people to challenge to do the same. Each of those six persons received an email with the following information:
I am challenging you to Pay it Forward with me!
Print out 5 Giving Game Cards
I want to use you in a diary type setting for my Pay It Forward page on my website
[link is on the left hand side of the page]
later this afternoon I will be putting up a new Pay It Forward page [just in case you do not read your email daily - today is Tuesday May 31]
email me with the following information:
1) I did or did not sign up to participate in the giving game
2) I printed out [the number] of giving game cards to play
3) For this experiment - I would like to use the name:
4) I have challenged [how many] others to play this game as well [asking that they keep me informed of their progress as well, and that they answer these questions and forward the information to me [Linda] so that we can see how fast this idea grows
5) Send Regular Updates on the Progress of your Giving Game plays
For your information - I personally printed out 5 giving game cards.
I challenged 6 people [via email] to get involved and keep me updated -
my information will also be listed [and updated regularly] on the Pay it Forward page of my site!
Thanks [in advance] to all who decide to play!
I am not restricting this game to these six people, anyone who would like to become involved in this project is welcome to join; simply copy the aforementioned rules and email me at with your information and start playing! It is that simple! Have fun, play a game, do good deeds and most important: PAY IT FORWARD!
Need Good Deed ideas:
Visit these sites:
Extreme Kindness
The Caring Institute
Charitable Way
Charity Channel
Network for Good
Random Acts of Kindness
Points of Light Foundation