Investigating An Elavated Cancer Rate Is The Cancer Rate A Direct Result of a Military Cover-Up? c May 2005 Linda Munro
My initial introduction of the B-47 Bomber explosion / crash, was listening in on adult conversations over the years. Of course, I was alive when this explosion/crash occurred; however, I was far too young to recall any specifics.
My true introduction to the incident began in the late 80’s. I was among many area residents who had begun to question the extremely high incidence of cancer in the tiny hamlet in which we lived. Most people seemed to be concerned with all of those who presently resided within the limits of our hamlet; I on the other hand noted that the incident rate climbed even farther if you looked deeper.
Look deeper is just what I did. I utilized the memories of every lifetime resident of Collins Center, eventually compiling a detailed list of people who had lived within our hamlet from 1958 thru 1980. In addition, I located the employees of every business which had been located within the hamlet during the same time period. The statistics grew more alarming when you added the people who had lived within the hamlet, moved and yet found themselves amongst the cancer statistics, as well as those who had worked in the area daily for years.
Because the topic had become a public forum, the New York State Cancer Surveillance Team had been contacted to conduct an in-depth study of the area. I contacted the team separately. I explained my findings to the cancer team. I was informed that the additional persons could not be included in their study group. Their study group consisted of 10,000 persons. Since the population of our hamlet was a mere 500, the group included the town proper and the town and village of North Collins, where the aircraft had actually exploded. The entire population of the extended area was just over 10,000 persons.
Be advised, that many of the persons who had resided within our hamlet or within the generalized area at the time of the explosion or directly thereafter had moved to other locales. New persons had since replaced the original persons that the catastrophe had affected. I had expected that the study would prove inconclusive; what I would learn would be totally shocking.
Let’s regress. According to my documentation of a two street area, the following statistics were proven:
1. House Number 1 had since been destroyed, the Minister who had resided there had moved on and passed away – no further information was available.
2. House Number 2 the tenants in the upper apartment had changed several times over the years. Of those I was able to contact one former resident had contacted cancer. The male occupant of the lower apartment also contacted cancer
3. House Number 3 – the male member of that household contacted cancer
4. House Number 4 – This property also had a trailer with two separate families residing in them. From the first trailer – the male contacted cancer [be advised – this male also worked in mines]. From the second trailer – a child born with cancer prior to the explosion – this child contacted another form of cancer later in life. A second female contacted cancer. In the house – three separate members of the family – two males and one female contacted cancer.
5. House Number 5 – Various families had lived in this household. The first family two members were confirmed with cancer – a male and a female. The second family a female was confirmed with cancer. The third family a female was confirmed with cancer. No further information was obtained.
6. House Number 6 – Two families had lived in this house. One female from the first family had contacted cancer.
7. House Number 7 – this house was built in the mid to late 60’s, no family members had contacted cancer.
8. House Number 8 – Two families had resided there, neither family showed any incidence of cancer.
9. House number 9 – Two families had resided here, one male from each family contacted cancer.
10. House Number 10 had sat empty for years.
11. House Number 11 – Two families had resided here, two females, one from each family contacted cancer.
12. House Number 12 had long since been demolished, although it was not confirmed, there was suggestions made that a female member of that family had contacted cancer.
13. House Number 13 had been moved into the area from another spot, no one from the family has contacted cancer.
14. House Number 14 no one contacted cancer.
15. House number 15 was built in the 60’s, no one contacted cancer.
16. House number 16 no one contacted cancer.
17. House Number 17 no one contacted cancer
18. House Number 18, we were unable to verify any information.
19. House Number 19, one male had contacted cancer.
20. House Number 20, one female contacted cancer.
21. House Number 21, one male contacted cancer.
22. House Number 22, one female contacted cancer.
23. House Number 23, the house sat empty for years.
24. House Number 24 was built in the 70’s to my knowledge no one had contacted cancer.
25. House Number 25, no one contacted cancer.
26. House Number 26, no one had contacted cancer.
As you should have noted, we spoke of 26 households with 44 families, of which members of 21 families had contacted some form of cancer. That is nearly 50% of the population on a tiny two street area covering less than one mile in length!
Of course, as I noted previously, most of these people were not counted. The count of the slightly over 10,000 ‘specimens’ included an area far wider than that in question. The Cancer Surveillance Team expected to locate judge over 400 cases of cancer in the target area, the actual cases was just slightly above the anticipated results. Due to these results, it was determined that there was nothing spectacular about this area and no further testing or surveys were necessary!
Let’s see, the area was far larger than the area in question in order to get the necessary population statistics. The cancer rate was just slightly elevated from expected; normally I suppose that would not press anyone’s alert button, but there was one piece of information that the surveillance team refused to consider even though it was quoted in their report; all of the cases of cancer were in a specific area, running along the hamlet in question.
Despite the fact I had earlier pointed out to the surveillance team, the number of cancer incidents were higher in our area; due to their study standards they found it necessary to work within a larger area. Since the larger area offered an expected cancer case load which was just slightly exceeded, nothing further would be done.
Okay, so we explain again, with no change of results. In fact, a new argument ensued. Since the cancer rate was not within the area of the explosion / crash; but 6 – 8 Miles to the southwest and since the military had noted they were carrying no cancer causing agents on the aircraft; there was no need to go further!
Having obtained a weather report from the National Weather Service for the date in question, I knew the exact speed and direction of the wind. I pointed out, utilizing these statistics, should anything have been on the aircraft, it was feasible that the unknown agent would have settled over the area indicated as prone to cancer. Now, I was immediately treated as if I had lost my mind, after all, the military said there was no cancer causing agents on the aircraft in question. [As we all know, the military would never lie or cover up something that would indicate they may be at fault for something.]
I finally allowed the person in charge explain to me why it was that this area was prone to cancer; population mainly Caucasian, more highly educated with a higher standard of living. Don’t believe me? Check it out yourself.
Next week, we will discuss what the explosion/crash of the B-47 in 1958 had to do with Flight 800. Please stop back, and feel free to email your comments.
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