Pay It Forward – PLEASE
We know from experience that this program works! While we may not be changing the world overnight; we have seen plenty of benefit from this program. I’ll start with a brief rundown:
1) I read the book; it was not an adventure, nor was it an edge-of-your-seat-page turner. It was an idea, with a fictional character; an idea set into motion. The idea had pitfalls and disappointments, but it worked. Despite the workable ability, there was a sad ending. The hero, a child, did not live to see his idea change the world.
2) I watched the movie. Again, this was not a movie filled with adventure. The movie simply followed the concept laid out by the book. It was not a movie I felt that I needed to watch over and over again, yet the idea stayed in my mind.
3) Every so often, the pay it forward idea would refresh itself in my memory, one day I used the Internet to research the concept. Here I learned that many programs had been started based upon the book. The idea of starting my own Pay It Forward Program began to blossom.
4) I am an avid reader; I am constantly buying books, both new and used. I also borrow books from our local library. The fact is I owned so many books that I have not only been forced to add new bookshelves to my house, but I was also forced to pack many of them away. Books as a Pay It Forward Project had never once entered my mind; then it happened….
5) The county that I live in found itself in a fiscal crises. In order to attempt to bring the budget back into perspective, the county was forced to cut, and in some cases eliminate county funded programs; one being our library system. Many cuts were made to the library, including budgets for new books, movies and other library aids. In fact, there is still a threat of discontinuing operations. As I sat night after night, listening to the latest budget crises report, the Pay It Forward program came to mind.
6) The library is actually four miles from our little hamlet, which means that local residents must have transportation to utilize the facility. [There is no public transportation in this area.] Soliciting space at the local post office building; I set up a book exchange program; adults were to leave a book in order to take a book, children could just take one of the children’s books. It caught on, but I noted a problem….
7) Some adults did not have books to exchange, and the elderly residents are like packrats, they want to keep what they have. Therefore, I changed the program from book exchange to literacy program; please take and read a book, supplying the table at first, with my own stock of books.
8) Suddenly, my Pay It Forward Book Program had caught on, before I knew it, I had taken every box of packed away books to the exchange table and every one of the children’s books were now gone. I had to find a means by which to continuously stock the table. After speaking to a few people, I decided to sell some items that were again, packed away in my basement, utilizing some of the funds to purchase books. That of course, was before I realized that the program was meant to work. I began receiving anonymous donations of books and odds and ends to sell.
9) Without considering that others would assist me, I have found the literacy program has taken on a Pay It Forward aspect in itself. Each time it seems that I will be without books to replenish the tables [we now have separate areas fro children and adults] I either receive either anonymous donations of books or anonymous donations of items to sell so that I can purchase books. It has become a continual process of anonymous good deeds within this area.
10) Without considering my pay it forward program, I decided [as a means to cut my own grocery bills, as well as a means by which to keep myself focused] to begin container gardening. You must first understand, I have a brown thumb, normally I can get a seed started, but it dies at the first transplant. Suddenly, I have so many containers of vegetables growing, I had begun to wonder what I would ever do with all of the produce that should be growing; when suddenly it struck me; PAY IT FORWARD.
11) I decided that there would be a few means by which I could utilize the fruits of the harvest. First and foremost, I would use what I needed; I can even can and freeze a few things. Since I do not plan on planting a real garden, due to my disability, I figured I would start new seeds every month. Suddenly I realized, if this were the case, I would probably need to can and freeze even less. So, I contacted the local food pantry; they too have lost funding and are finding more and more need, they would be happy to accept any access.
12) After contacting the food pantry, I realized my pots were not only overflowing, but I had transplanted so many plants; I had to find new containers to plant in. I started thinking, what happens if each of these plants produce? The food pantry would find itself with rotting vegetables! Then I realized something, as unfortunate as it seems, many of our local farmers are no longer farming. I have seen vegetable, beef and dairy farms going under after a lifetime of operation. That means that local produce will not be available as this area is accustomed to; which means, a vegetable stand.
13) How could a vegetable stand possibly fit into a Pay It Forward Program? That’s easy; we will simply sit vegetables in front of our house daily. There will be no one minding the stand, instead a simple sign will read: Pay It Forward Vegetable Stand; if you can use some fresh vegetables, please help yourself; if you know of a family in need, please take some for that family. Please only take what you need, leave the rest for others. Next to the sign will be a box which will have the following note: If you would like to donate to this program, please feel free. No donation is necessary.
14) I have already been the recipient of anonymous good deeds, as I stated prior, we have had anonymous donations. Besides that, we have had a few problems this year, including two lawn mowers both deciding to fail at the same time. As we looked for either a used lawn mower or parts to fix our present lawn mower, the grass grew longer and longer. My husband and son managed to get one of the lawn mowers running, by this time the grass was at least a foot tall which meant a long lawn mowing process. One evening, when the vehicles were out of the yard [and our neighbor thought we were away] I heard a noise in my back yard. Looking out my window, I saw one of the neighbors on a riding lawn mower finishing up the lawn that had yet to be mowed. After witnessing that, I feel positive that the Pay It Forward lifestyle my husband and I have chosen to attempt will prove a positive venture.
Both of us have specific physical problems; my problems had kept me from functioning normally since 1996. Recently, after finally being able to secure health insurance, I was able to begin a pain management program and my ability to function has quadrupled, I am still, however, unable to do anything for a long period of time. My husband is getting worse and over the past four years he has been downsized three times. Neither of us is getting any younger, in fact, we are both of the age category that most employers seem to stray from. Therefore, we have decided to start our own business.
First and foremost; we offer a referral service for auto glass. You, the customer, need not worry about paying us; we have made arrangements with both local and national companies across the continental United States. Our service to you is to 1) assure you get the best quality product and service complete with a lifetime guarantee. 2) If you have insurance coverage, to assure to either complete your claim, or assist in the claim process, and then to make sure that your insurance company pays fair and reasonable rates. 3) If you are not insured, we help you find the lowest priced, highest quality local service.
Our second prospect is eBay and our own Trash & Treasure store. We sell a variety of new and used merchandise, including collectible merchandise. We offer reasonable rates, and for those of you who purchase through our Trash & Treasure Store, we will negotiate prices. [Please note: all purchases made within New York State are subject to sales tax.] Our shipping rates are actual cost plus an approximate 50 cents to $1.00 which helps cover packing materials and tape.
Our third prospect is actually my sole venture. Prior to my injury, I was a published freelance writer; I have begun to attempt some smaller freelance articles, of course, I also practice with this website. As you have noticed, there are a variety of advertisers listed on this site. If any readers click onto the advertisements and make a purchase, I do get paid a small percentage of the sale. Although I have not yet made a commission on this site, I am positive that as the site sees more traffic, the possibility will increase.
Our fourth and final prospect is my husband’s sole venture. He has a knack with computers, so we are collecting computers for him to repair. Some people just want to be rid of them and have found no place to dispose of them, others wish to sell them. We purchase or pick up computers. Some will be fixable; others are good only for parts. After they have been refurbished, some will be sold, others will be given to families with school aged children. I sincerely hope that all readers understand that what we do with computers will be based on our investment in each.
We hope that what we are trying will catch on, and others will find programs to begin within their own neighborhoods. I have had email requests concerning donations. I hope the following information will be helpful:
If you have items to donate, please email us at List the items that you have and whether you would be willing to package the merchandise for shipping. We need the following information: the total package weight and your zip code. If it is feasible, we will arrange to have a paid shipping label mailed to you so that you can ship the items to us. We are NOT set up as either a NOT-FOR-PROFIT or NON-PROFIT organization; any such donations are NOT tax deductible.
There have been other questions asked in regards to this program; I will attempt to answer these questions in the following paragraph:
For those of you who have one or two items that you want to donate and you are not looking to be reimbursed for the shipping you may send it to: PAY IT FORWARD c/o PO Box 304; Collins Center, NY 14035. Please include your name & address for our records. We will not be selling or giving away your information; for income tax purposes we will need a complete list of items received. [The IRS frowns on people claiming they purchased something when it was in fact, given to them.]
I hope that answers any questions, if not, please feel free to email me at
We are also interested in any PAY IT FORWARD programs that our readers start. Please let us know what you are doing, where you are doing it, and how it is working out.