Investigating Miracles
May 2005 Linda Munro
On the homepage I indicated that many people pray, but loose faith because they do not see their prayers answered. If having your prayers answered is important to you; then make them unselfish prayers and then look at what occurs to you and try to find the means by which your prayers may have been answered.
There is a recent movie called BRUCE ALMIGHTY. In the movie Bruce prays for a sign from God in connection with his relationship. As he is praying, a big truck pulls out in front of him, the truck is loaded with street signs that read; Go Back, Wrong Way. The point I am trying to make is that sometimes we are looking for answers to our prayers, while God is sending us signs.
I prayed for time with my grandchildren, alone, no parents whatsoever to interfere, so that I could broach a subject that is very difficult for me. That is absolutely NOT what I wanted to pray for, I wanted to be selfish and pray that these children NOT be taken out of state; but I knew that was wrong. I had to be honest with myself first, admit that I wanted the selfish avenue, because I do not want my grandchildren out of my life. That of course, is not fair to everyone involved.
Instead I prayed first for the courage and strength to know what was right and then for time alone with the grandchildren, without their parents interfering. I am still praying for strength, that I do not become emotional, because that will make these children feel guilty, which is unfair to them. My prayers were answered by the death of my ex-daughter-in-law’s grandmother. She does not want to subject the children to the funeral home routine. Therefore, she called my son, who is scheduled to work. He offered to see if he could change shifts with someone, but before he had a chance to speak to anyone, he told me about the dilemma, which gave me the opportunity to ‘come to the rescue’ [in a manner of speaking].
In regards to praying and miracles, I believe that prayers being answered are miracles. I will take you back a couple of years to when my mother had become so ill, she could barely move. When she was hospitalized, I prayed that God would make her better. After an extensive surgery, she appeared better for awhile. She would have bad days in the hospital, and every time I would see her in pain, I would start recalling how poor her health had become and how long she had really suffered. I finally changed my prayers, specifying that I did not want to loose my mother, she was my best friend, but I prayed that rather than making her better so that she could come home to me, that God would do what was best for her. Each day when I went to the hospital, it seemed that my mother was getting better and better. In fact, she was scheduled to come home on Wednesday, April 30, 2002. My sister went to visit her in the morning. I called her and told her I was going to run some errands because I wanted to take care of everything before she came home so I could stay with her.
My Mother requested that my sister leave. When I arrived at the hospital, she was in the bathroom. I went to the gift shop, stopped and talked to the nurses and returned to her room, at the most ten minutes after my initial arrival. My Mother had returned to bed, closed her eyes and passed away. My mother had requested that I carry out her wishes to not resuscitate. I had the paperwork, but could not bring myself to tell the doctors to let her be. For forty five minutes, the doctors and nurses worked to resuscitate my mother, to no avail. She was gone and I was comforting her doctor who was sobbing in my arms because he had come to love my mother and he could not bring her back to life.
As much as I hate to admit it, my prayers were answered. What was truly best for my mother was to pass away peacefully, not in pain; rather than bringing her home to remain in the pain she had suffered for fifteen years. Indeed, the inability of the doctors to resuscitate my mother was a miracle.
Both of the miracles I have just discussed are very emotionally charged miracles for me; but emotionally charged miracles are not the only miracles that occur. I have been involved in a variety of miracles. I hope that as you read, you will understand the miracles I am discussing.
My very best friend in the world is a woman also named Linda who lives 1500 miles from me. We have been friends so long that the distance has never made a difference to us. On one of her visits ‘home’ we decided to find some ghosts. Just in case we found the ghosts, we decided to have reinforcements with us, so we took my husband who does not believe in anything from God to spirits to paranormal activity. Even if he somehow gets involved in something that remotely suggest paranormal activity, he tries to explain it away. Our other chaperone was my son, a semi-believer. He tries to find explanations for paranormal activity, his belief only stems to things he truly cannot explain.
Let me give you one example that covers both my husband and son. Shortly after my ex-husband [my son’s father] passed away, my son was complaining that he could hear staticy words coming from the speakers in his room. There was only one problem with that, the speakers were only being used as end tables; they were not hooked up to anything.
The noise would occur during the hours of early dusk, around the time his father had passed away. At first, he did not mention the occurrences to me, he thought he imagined it. Then one evening he ran downstairs and asked me to hurry to his room. I heard it too, in fact I heard it on several occasions. We checked to make sure that the speakers were not connected to anything, yet the voices still came through the speakers. My husband thought we were both crazy.
My son changed shifts at work, which solved his problem; but not the problem of the voices coming from the speakers. One evening, the voices were so loud; we could hear them from our living room which is directly below my son’s bedroom. My husband insisted that my son had left his television on and went to his room to check. As he neared the top of the steps, the voices stopped. My husband checked everything and then returned downstairs. After a few minutes, we heard the voices again. This time, the voices did not stop when my husband ran up the stairs. Although the wires were not attached to anything other than the speaker, I arrived in my son’s room to find my husband ripping the wires from the speaker. The voices did not stop.
The following day, the speakers were tossed with our garbage, no more voices! If you ask my husband about the incident he will reply in one of two ways; either he does not recall or there was a definite short in the speakers and we had to get rid of them so they didn’t start on fire.
With that in mind, let’s get back to our ghost busting excursion!
We went to Fort George, in Ontario, Canada to one of their Ghost Tours. I took my digital camera, hoping for nothing more than to see a ghost and maybe capture it on my camera. At one point during the tour, my son called us to the front of a house, insisting that we look at a picture hanging on a side wall. I looked, when I said ‘Oh, My God!’ my friend pushed me out of the way so that she could see. As my friend, my son and I discussed the fact that we saw the face in the picture change, my husband kept trying to see what we saw. Of course, he said he never saw a thing. At another point, while the group was gathering at a specific site, waiting for the tour guide to lecture, I became so nauseated that my husband had to take me to another area of the fort. As soon as we were clear of the building, I felt fine. We returned to the site, only to have the nausea return. We walked ahead again; again the nausea left.
When my son and my friend found us, they wanted to know why we left. I told them and both seemed astonished. Apparently, the tour guide indicated that many soldiers had died here from food poisoning and many people who came on the tour claimed to become nauseated at that specific spot during the tour. My husband explained my nausea by saying I must have read about the food poisoning and had forgotten about it. My nausea was a subconscious thing. Okay?
The very last place we visited was an area near two buildings. The tour guide told us they no longer allowed people to go into this area because “bad’ things would happen to people on the tour, for insurance purposes, they had cut that area from the tour. At that time, I aimed my camera and took a picture of the darkened alley. On my digital camera, the picture appeared black. When I returned home, and put the disk into my computer to bring the picture up, I used my picture it program and lightened the shot I took. After lightening the picture, it appears that three smoky figures were standing in the alley.
Since my husband was with me when I took the picture and when I put the disk into the computer; since he watched me simply lighten the picture, he could not explain what I captured. Therefore, he claims this is a faulty disk because he saw nothing while we were there. To read more about our adventure and view more pictures, you need to visit my old site.
However, since I wanted to have something that my husband could not explain away, and I did achieve that; I believe it was a small miracle. After all; mountains do not have to move for a miracle to exist.
Staying focused on my friend Linda; I would like to share this episode with you. Linda’s father suffered for a very long time; having to finally be placed in a nursing home because the doctor’s agreed he was an Alzheimer’s patient. After her father passed away, both Linda and her Mother had a very difficult time, emotionally. Neither really wanted to let go.
On her father’s birthday, Linda spent the day with her mother. During that time, she took pictures around the house. When they were developed, there was definitely something different between the developed picture and the picture Linda had focused on and took the picture of.
Whether this was paranormal activity, a spirit or a fluke, I suppose we will never know for certain. I do know that after the pictures were developed and returned, that both Linda and her Mother were able to finally move on. Was it the spirit of her father in these pictures? Anyone can choose to be skeptical on that issue. Did a miracle occur? There is no question about it, the answer is yes. These pictures allowed two people to stop grieving and move on with their lives. Indeed, this was a miracle.
To read more of the original story or to view more pictures please go to my original page.
The third and final miracle is rather funny. Another dear friend of mine, Bunny had purchased a house in South Carolina. As Bunny began remodeling her house, strange things began to happen; missing tools, things flying at her, dirt appearing where she had just cleaned. If it would have been one or two things, no one would have thought much about her dilemma; but there were far more than one or two things. In fact, so many strange things were happening that people were beginning to question Bunny’s sanity!
Bunny knew she wasn’t crazy, and I believed every word she said. I know that at times, she even seemed frightened. All I cared about was that something would happen to make these strange occurrences cease, that she would move, or maybe even get some type of proof that there was something weird about her house. Again, pictures did just that.
In these pictures several strange occurrences can be noted. Specifically, the light shining from the ceiling where there was NO LIGHT!!!!! Again, I believe that this was another miracle; it proved first and foremost to Bunny that she was not imagining things, and secondly it gave those who were questioning her sanity something to think about.
To read more about Bunny and her Haunted House, please go to my old site. There are plenty of picture there as well. Additionally, you will find another page which gives a bit of history of the area that Bunny had lived in. There is also a page associated with debates on paranormal activity. If nothing else, I am sure you will find this quite interesting.