Ant Repellant: To keep ants out of the house, sprinkle cinnamon around typical entranceways.
Blood Stains [Fresh]: Cold water or Club Soda. Sponge stain immediately with cold water or club soda and dry with a soft absorbant terry towel
[Dried]: use peroxide on the blood stain before washing Carpet Stains: Use baby wipes immediately to wipe away almost any stain.
Chrome: To remove rust from chrome, wipe it with aluminum foil dipped in Pepsi or Coke.
Crayon on Walls or Washable Wallpaper: Spray with WD-40, then wipe.
Dishwashers: To clean mineral deposits from the inside of your dishwasher, pour in a container of Tang Drink Mix and run the empty dishwasher through a normal cycle.
Drains: Once a month pour one cup of baking soda followed by one cup of white vinegar down the drain. Wait an hour and flush with warm water.
Ink Stains: Pour rubbing alcohol onto the ink stain and watch it disappear.
Microwave: Place 1/2 cup water in the microwave, cook on high heat for 2 minutes, and wipe grime away.
Odor-free Car: Place a few charcoal briquettes under the seat [make sure they are not the quick start]
Paint on Carpet: Spray with Windex and wipe.
Paper Towels: [For cleaning windows] Rather than using costly paper towels use newspaper to clean your windows.
Permanent Marker on Carpet: Dab a washcloth soaked in rubbing alcohol onto the marker stain. DO NOT RUB – JUST BLOT!
Stains in Plastic Storage Containers: Use a baking soda paste (baking soda and water) and rub into the stain, rinse with vinegar and wash normally.
Tarnished Silverware: [Works like the old as seen on TV miracle silver cleaner] Line a cake pan with aluminum foil Fill with mixture of 2 cups water and add 1 Tablespoons of baking soda. Heat to 150 degrees. Lay silverware in pan, touching aluminum foil.
Trash Bag: Reuse plastic grocery bags for your trash.
Tubs and Shower Stalls: Apply a car wax to the walls and doors. {Do Not Use on Floor or Tub] Wipe to clean, helps keeps water spots away. Reapply twice yearly.
Window Cleaner: In a 32 oz spray bottle add 1/3-cup white vinegar and 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol.