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[Please note the links along the sidebar. I welcome you to follow those links to help you decide for yourself if what I have written is accurate or not. Below the list of links you will find links to pages on the site. Finally, you will notice links to affiliate sites; please follow them as well.] Many have asked me what has suddenly inspired me to study the Bible and look for historical documentation concerning the life of Jesus. As strange as this may sound, it was the novel: The Da Vinci Code! A bit about my background; I was raised in the Catholic faith. I had gone through all of the early catechism classes, received each of the sacraments as prescribed by the Catholic faith, but suddenly I found myself initiating a divorce against my husband and ex-communicated from the church. At this point I became a skeptic, not about Jesus and his time on earth, not about my steadfast belief in God, but about religion. Being a history buff, the one thing that I had come to realize is; historically speaking religion is the number one reason people do not get along. The Catholic religion had been responsible for killing thousands of people for heresy. Jehovah Witnesses attempt to keep their children segregated from children of other religious backgrounds. Mormons until the 1990’s referred to those of African American descent as Satan worshipping the ideal of the KKK and the bringing back of slavery. We all know what that Jihad, or a Holy War, was partially blamed for the September 11th attack on American soil. In my mind, I saw God looking upon the human race and shaking his head, saying ‘fools, when will they learn!’ After having read The Da Vinci Code, the first thing I did was to pick up the Bible and read it from cover to cover, twice! After all, if there was one thing I knew for certain, it was that Mary Magdalene was indeed mentioned in the Bible as being a prostitute. After reading, and re-reading the Bible, I learned that I was wrong, no where in the Bible was such a thing written. However, I found a great deal of information that I had always thought was from the Bible, seemed to be missing; other things I would have never associated with the Bible were written clearly. Had religion twisted my concept of the Bible as well as my concept of God? The only way for me to learn the truth was to begin studying. Studying the Bible is far too simple; I needed to study religions as well. As I near a half century of life, I am setting out to discover what the Bible really does say. Is there evidence that Jesus really walked the face of the earth, what happens to us after we die? I also want to know what differing religions teach, what they believe, but most of all, why they believe it. Thus, the first of my articles involving religions. It happened that as I began my research into the Jesus and the Bible; that within one week, first two older women who were members of the Jehovah Witnesses and two young Mormon Elders knocked on my door. I suppose that my prayers were immediately answered, for I had prayed that I would find persons eager to first, discuss the Bible and second discuss their religion with me. I happened to get exactly what I prayed for, not in hidden signs either. At this point in time, I am remaining neutral on the Jehovah Witness persons; however, I have researched, read and discussed enough with the Mormon persons to not only develop an opinion, but I believe I have been able to truthfully unearth a bit of information concerning this religion. I enjoyed speaking with these lads; there are friendly, courteous and have an extreme knowledge of the Bible. At the close of our first meeting, I was handed the Book of Mormon [be advised, I had read this prior] and asked not only to read the Book, but also to pray that God would show me that this book was the truth. I will admit, that was the first thing that roused my curiosity. After all, if it were true, why would you need to pray to see it as true? Wouldn’t you need to pray for guidance while reading the Book of Mormon, or pray that I would be enabled to know the truth? Maybe, that made me too skeptical. I did try to assure I gave this book and the religion every openness available. Upon reading the Book of Mormon, the first thing I realized was that the Mormon religion is based upon the word of twelve people. This fact made me wonder, why only twelve? If, as Joseph Smith claimed, these gold plates were shown to him to decipher, wouldn’t he have wanted as many persons as possible to know that they truly existed? Why was it that these supposed plates were shown to only twelve people? My first opinion was that the plates never existed, and it was easier to create a religious scam with the word of twelve people than it was with the word of one person. Yet, I sat down to read and learn. I noticed something that was, to me, amazing! You see, one of the ideas that have been floating around my head for quite some time, is that the Bible needs to be rewritten in modern language. The stories of the Old Testament, while offering an overall view of the history of the Bible, the history and genealogy of Jesus, was that it told stories that were equivalent to a lesson to be learned, or a moral taught. As I read the very first chapter of the Book of Mormon, I realized that nearly two hundred years ago, Joseph Smith set out to do just that; rewrite the Bible. His compilation is referred to as: The Book of Mormon. Since these wonderful young men who were promoting their religion saw to it to tell me how to refer to Bible passages using the Book of Mormon, I found it extremely easy to see the similarities. No wonder the “Profit” Joseph Smith has been able to make accurate prophecy; he apparently borrowed it from the Bible! Let’s take a look at Joseph Smith, the man. During the time that Joseph Smith lived, his parents, friends and neighbors were taken by the phenomenon known as Tent Revival Meetings, Religious zealots who traveled the country making money from the word of God. Everyone around Joseph was taken in by these traveling Road Shows, but Joseph, being only fourteen, did not see things in the same manner. In fact, what he saw was a poor family, in financial distress, looking to God for an answer. He was an intelligent, curious lad, who wanted to believe, but wasn’t sure that what he was seeing, what his family was participating in was really God’s way. Therefore, Joseph went alone, into the woods, to pray for guidance. Although Joseph did not speak of this for three years, he claims that Jesus and His Dad appeared giving him unbelievable news:
After three years, Smith claims that he was visited again, this time by an angel named Moroni. Smith claimed that Moroni showed him a cave, near his hometown, hidden inside a mountain. In the cave was a room with wooden furnishings, with tablets of gold stacked on a table. Moroni told Smith he mustn’t visit the site until a he received specific instructions to do so. Again, Smith chose to keep his visit secret. Four years passed, before Smith claims he received another message instructing him to visit the hidden cave and claim the golden tablets. There were supposedly other treasures, but these are less important [at least in my opinion.] His job, according to his message was to transcribe the mysterious markings on the plates. According to Smith’s translation; the lost tribe of Israel had sailed from Canaan across the seas to North America around 2250 B.C. where they were met by an exotic land. These Hebrews established a vast civilization, visited by Jesus, who established a ministry here. After the book was translated, the angel came reclaiming the gold plates. This work, entitled The Book of Mormon, provided the foundation for the LDS faith. The church, complete with American Theology, grew rapidly, becoming the new and improved Christian religion; devised in an entrepreneurial spirit, the religion was owned and run by Joseph Smith. The first edition of The Book of Mormon bore the following on its title page: BY JOSEPH SMITH, JUNIOR, AUTHOR AND PROPRIETOR. Smith adopted the official title of Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, claiming he literally spoke for God. There must be something to prove that this is after all, true; the work of our Lord. The Bible, for those of you who are not aware, has been backed up by history and archeology. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the Book of Mormon. The fact remains; archeology has repeatedly failed to substantiate the claims made by Joseph Smith. History, if it was not for the account of Joseph Smith himself, would also not be able to substantiate these claims. With all of this evidence, and lack thereof, the only thing that I can say with a clear conscience is that Joseph Smith is not a true prophit of God; and millions of people have yet to see the light. I apologize to those of the Mormon Faith; I will allow any to have their say concerning my article; please back up what you have to say with proof which I can also locate. Email me at with your rebuttle.