Scenting Evil: A Thriller Based on the Case Files of a Crime-Solving Clairvoyant
This is a psychological thriller based on the case files of a crime solving clairvoyant. An extremely interested book, written to be understood by those with difficulty comprehending the written word without insulting the intelligence of those who can highly comprehend every word they read.
This book documents the events of a child abduction; written in such a way that the reader actually feels they are part of the story. I laughed and cried while reading this book. I would definitely recommend putting this on your reading list.
Mark T Sullivan
© 2002

One year prior to the onset of the novel; Whitney Burke and her assistant/friend Jeannie were trapped in a cave by a flash flood. Whitney managed to hold onto a tiny ledge, sparing herself; her friend was not as lucky. For thirty six hours Whitney clutched the ledge, holding herself steady and keeping her head barely above water, the only light coming from the lamp on the helmet she wore. For thirty six hours, her friend and assistant Jeannie’s dead body was entangled with Whitney.
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome has kept Whitney from caves for the entire year, this coupled with reoccurring nightmares is threatening not only Whitney’s marriage to Tom, but also her relationship with their daughter ‘Cricket.”
Tom and Cricket head off to Labyrinth, the largest underground cave system in the world to train NASA scientist so that they can return to the moon to mine moon rocks. The cave however, holds a bigger secret; moon rock 66095; a treasure that the United States Government has been concealing since the testimony of a ‘mad scientist’ who now is a maximum security prisoner, involved in a daring daylight prison break.
The scientist, three additional inmates and a wayward prison guard have taken Tom and Cricket Burke hostage, deep in the bowels of Labyrinth and the only person who can guide a rescue team to save them is Whitney.
The story twists and turns as the criminals and the rescuers make their way through the labyrinth, with Whitney at the helm, struggling against her paranoia; knowing that without her Tom and Cricket a re as good as dead.
From the beginning to the end this remains an edge of your seat page turner. It is one of the few novels that could easily be transferred to the screen. A must read!
Book review: My Life:
By Bill Clinton
© 2004

Prior to beginning this review, I would like to inform the readers as to my own reading experiences. Each day, I read four different books. The first is the Bible and a Bible Study Guide. I am interested not only in what has been written on the pages of the All Time Best Selling Book, but how others interpret it. I enjoy formulating opinions and looking for the reasoning behind other’s interpretations.
The second book I read is also of a religious or spiritual basis. As stated before, I want to be able to understand others opinions and unless I constantly read, I will not be subjected to these opinions. I keep a clear mind when reading, if something interests me, I will research the issue.
The third book I read is one of a non-fictional nature. I read biographies, autobiographies, political novels, historical novels, etc. Again, I believe that if one chooses to stop learning, then they may as well stop living. I also try to take everything I read with a grain of salt. After having been a reporter the one thing that I have learned is that each story has two sides, but the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and it is the truth that we need to constantly seek.
To be totally honest, I had read many reviews on this book and had made up my mind to skim through it, get a general feel for what was said within its 957 pages and then write a review. I never, ever anticipated that I would get so enthralled by this novel that I would read it word for word, page for page. It took nearly three weeks for me to complete this novel, but I am truly glad I did.
As I stated prior I had already read many reviews, I had also spoken to people who had read the novel. Many of the reviews stated that the beginning of the book was extremely interesting, as you came mid-book the interesting factor began to elude you and it was a me, me I, I book. I will be honest and say that I can understand how people came up with this opinion; but this is not my opinion at all.
There are many reasons why I saw things differently from the general public. The most important was the fact that I had the opportunity to view the movie SPIN; a movie about the 1992 Presidential Election that was banned in the United States.
Although I cannot recall much about the producer of this film; I do recall the essence. The person responsible for the film captured five hundred hours of satellite feed in connection with the candidates of the 1992 primary races and the actual election. This satellite feed dealt with what actually went on behind the scenes during the campaign, the feed captured by this man occurred while the actual television stations were transmitting commercials. What I witnessed on that film appalled me. I believe that more Americans should be free to witness what goes on behind the scenes. Whether or not there is still a way for you to view this film, I have no idea. I do know where I saw it, and I believe that HallsWalls is one of the best local arts houses in the country. Please feel free to contact them concerning this film. Now, back to the novel.
This novel; dedicated to Bill Clinton’s mother; wife; daughter “and to the memory of my grandfather, who taught me to look up to people others looked down on, because we’re not so different after all,” offers not only a look into the life of Bill Clinton, but also to the life of an American President. This is truly a story of a man living the American Dream!
Bill Clinton was born to a widowed mother, spending most of his early years in the care of his grandparents who owned a small rural store catering to a great black population. Unlike other children who learned at an early age that the color of one’s skin made them different; Clinton learned that all people were the same, all were deserving of friendship and a chance.
As he neared school age, his mother would remarry an alcoholic. Although Bill Clinton’s life would be scarred with the hassles of an abusive/loving relationship, he would learn not only to love this man, but to offer him something that most would not, Clinton of his own volition accepted the last name of his step father; a gesture that would carry through even during his years as President.
Clinton grew up during a time when our country was going through change. Segregation was legal and people were fighting about it; some to change the laws, some to keep them in tact. He became politically motivated at an extremely young age; adhering to the speeches of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. He would meet and shake hands with John Kennedy; then he would watch each, in turn, gunned down in the prime of their lives. He would watch space flight, see the first man walk on the moon, and watch the country in good times and bad. The worst of times being the Vietnam War.
This novel takes us on an adventure of a lifetime, renewing for many historical moments, giving a personal perspective to others who are far too young to recall those moments. There is more that this novel does; it helps the general public understand what it is like to be President, and what it was like for one man who became the site of ruination by the Republican Party, who was forced through personal loss and tragedy to continue to hold his head high and continue his job as if nothing else in his life mattered.
For me; this book brought back a focus on terrorism. Tiny items that I had barely recalled during the Clinton administration because the news was far more concerned with his personal downfalls then with the truth of what was occurring in the world; terrorism was not something suddenly targeted on United States soil, terrorist had been after the United States throughout the Clinton Administration and one had to read everything, research every item in order to see what was happening where the United States and Terrorism were concerned.
Clinton had personally been the target of many terrorist, specifically Osama Bin Laden, it was an act by Clinton that placed Bin Laden on the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted list. Not many people recall that. Although Clinton does explain that the Republicans did try to undermine his attempts to control terrorism stating that there were no terrorist, Clinton just wanted to take the eyes of the world away from the Paula Jones issue; he does not specifically say that the Republicans were the reason that the terrorist under the control of Osama Bin Laden may have been thwarted prior to September 11, 2001 if the Republicans would have cared as much about terrorist as they did about trying to impeach him. Unfortunately; this is true. I have been researching these issues for quite some time, and feel that the American public needs to decipher fact from fiction.
Bill Clinton wrote a book about his life; hoping to give Americans a look at Clinton the man, the human, the President. He also wrote a book that every American should read, with open mind and open heart. Although I noted tons of grammatical errors, and far too many run-on sentences; the statement made by this novel is one that needs to be heard.
Please; take time from you busy life; go to the library and borrow this novel, or click on a link and purchase a copy for your own library. Read the book, read it word for word, page for page; read it with an open heart and an open mind; and never, ever forget, from the words of Harry Truman, “to live like a Republican, vote like a Democrat”.
email me with any books, movies, music or websites you would like reviewed.