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Last Updated 5/06/05
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Updated: 5/22/05 "The Cobra Event & Leading With My Heart"
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Last Updated 5/20/05
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Last Updated 5/22/05
Last Updated 5/23/05
Pay It Forward [Anonymous Good deeds]
Last Updated 5/22/05
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Tips & Tricks Auto Glass
A Day In The Life Of......Memorial Day
Read & Review [The Investigation Begins]
Federal Bills: Corporate Welfare
Little Miracles
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The May Contest is over!

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Where was the initial information that Sandy and Sarah based their research on, found?

Sorry, NO HINTS – Read, Read, Read! You will find the answer someplace on this site! This month's prize: a $10.00 gift certificate from


The next holiday the United States Celebrates is Memorial Day; on May 30th. This holiday is a day set aside for remembrance of all of the veterans throughout America’s history. This holiday was not always named Memorial Day, nor was it meant to remember all of this county’s veterans. In fact, Memorial Day is rather a young holiday where this country is concerned. The holiday became known as Memorial Day in 1971, prior to that it was called Decoration Day and it was meant as a remembrance of the veterans of the Civil War.

Of course, that did not set well with those in the Southern States, who refused to even celebrate on the same day as the rest of the country. I recall Decoration Day and the many celebrations that went with it, including the annual reading of the poem: In Flanders’s Field [which by the way, I read at one of the Decoration Day Celebrations]. This week, I will be writing a brief history of both Decoration Day and Memorial Day; and what it means to our country. This will be posted on A Day in the Life of.....

Now onward!

I certainly hope that all of you are taking advantage of the special sales and discounts which are being offered by national companies and retailers on my site. Please take the time to click on some of the links and check out what these sites have to offer.

Last week I reviewed two books. Please check them out by clicking on the title of each: Novel: The Cobra Event, and Leading With My Heart, check back during the week to read the latest reviews. I am presently reading:

The Case for Christ     The Inquisitor
The Case for Christ    The Inquisitor

Two Pages Discontinued

I apologize but, I just cannot keep up with all of the pages on this site, physical therapy, exercises, and trying to get a business going, so I have decided to eliminate the least important pages. The first page to be eliminated is the items received, contests won page. I do not believe this page, which must be updated on a daily basis, is important to this site. In place of this link, I will place a link directly to the site of the most recent contest I have won. Thank you for your participation in this site, I truly appreciate the time you take to visit and read. The page that at one time received the most traffic, has suddenly seen adrastic decline in traffic, the chat page. Due to this decline, I will remove the chate page immediately!

The recipes for Crock Pot Chicken & Mom's Macaroni & Cheese have been moved into the the archives. This week's new recipes are: Hellman's Spinach Dip & Louise's Chili.

Please check out the Tips and Tricks page where the discussion is auto glass, why you should care about insurance agents or companies who tell you to wait instead of fixing s auto glass, or waiting until it cracks further to get it replaced. Learn how to respond to the people who seem to enjoy taking your safety out of your hands. First, a bit of history, how did auto glass progress. Second, we take a look at what a windshield does for your vehicle and your safety. Third, we give you hints on how to save money and how to respond to insurance companies, agents and auto glass people. Have a look; the information could save your life!

I promised to follow up on the Day in the Life of….Page with more on Chronic Pain. Since I have decided to utilize that specific page for the Decoration / Memorial Day information; I have decided to move the next issue of Chronic Pain to Tips & Tricks, in fact, I am hoping to offer a few tips and tricks to persons who suffer chronic pain, or know someone who does. I have learned a great deal over the past 9 years, I am hoping that my experience will be of some use to others.

Has anyone been following the read and review page? I have not received emails concerning this specific page in a while. The last emails I received concerned the prologue, which I rewrote and placed for viewing. This week some exciting new information is found, information that could indicate that an old article about a woman dying from an allergic reaction to bee stings, may have possibly been murdered.

An update on the Federal Bill page: Presently, before Congress, sits a bill that is of utterly extreme importance to and one in the United States who considers themselves middle class and below. May I suggest that you read the information, consider it, and contact your elected officials indicating your wishes in connection to this bill.

We have raised some money to continue the Pay it Forward program. Have a look, see what we are up to now!

Miracles; do they exists? Are you a believer in miracles? My original intention for this week was to review the new Disney moive: Miracle. While I was working on the article, I received an email concerning hoax photos. I kept the email and was looking through the photos early in the morning. When I glanced up and saw an exclamation mark on the doorway opposite me. [see photo]. Of course it was merely the sun shining through a crack in the curtains that caused the appearance of the exclamation mark, but it made me start thinking of what could actually constitute a miracle.

There are so many things that happen to us on a daily basis that should be considered miracles, yet we just pass them off as luck, or ignore them all together. For those of you who have not been here before; let me explain one thing; I am not a religious person, I do not believe in religion at all. To me, religion is man-made, with man-made thoughts and ideas. Religion has created death, disaster and war, I do not wish to be a party to that if possible. I do how ever believe in God; I study the Bible for it is a great historical piece that discusses the life of Jesus and a great deal of prophecy which I also believe in. The Bible also teaches valuable life lessons, which I know possitively - I need. I also pray a great deal.

One of my recent prayers concerned my two oldest grandchildren. Rather then delve into the situation, I will explain this much; the children's mother wants to move out of state, my son is fighting the issue. I believe that the parents chose to get divorced, so no matter what they want, the children's wants and needs come first. Since the issue was brought up, I prayed that I would get some time alone with the children to speak with them on the issue.

I want them to know that I will stand behind their wishes. If they want to move, as much as I would hate to see them leave; I would talk my son into letting them go. If they want to stay here; I will do my best to speak with their mother on their concerns. The problem is; I rarely have an opportunity to see them alone these days; so I have prayed for that opportunity. Yesterday, my prayers were answered; I am picking the children up from school this afternoon and I will have them until tomorrow afternoon without parental interference.

They will be with me because their was a death in their Mother's family, and my son is scheduled to work. As soon as he explained the situation; I had him telephone his ex and tell her I would take them for her. I told my husband that my prayers had been answered by a death. He thought it was a malicious thing to say; but I finally made him understand that although people pray; they rarely understand that their prayers are answered because God cannot always answer directly, he does it by other means.

When I saw the exclamation point on my wall, it made me realize that I have pictures of miracles. Therefore, this week's miracles page deals with the miracles we often overlook.

I will give a $10.00 gift certificate to the person who brings the most traffic to my site between today May 16, 2005 and midnight on May 30, 2005. This is a two step process. First, email me[] with your name and mailing address. [Don't worry, I will not sell your information or mail you letters, or anything else for that matter, unless it's a prize] Pick a code name, so that I will be able to identify your referrals. Then, email your fiends with a link to this site. Ask them to visit the site and sign the guestbook. In the guestbook, there is a section that asks: referred by. Tell your friends that you have entered a contests and for you to be credited for the referral, they must write your code name in this section [don't forget to tell them what your code name is] On Tuesday, May 31, 2005, the person who has sent the most referrals to this site will receive a $10.00 gift certificate from [In case of a tie we will hold a drawing to determine the winner. It's a very easy contest. You can post the information on message boards, email, have your friends [who do not want to participate in the contest] ask their friends to help you. GOOD LUCK!


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