The Art of Spritual Dreaming
This book deals with spiritual dreaming, which is a big part of the religion of Eckankar. When I first chose this book, I had skimmed a few of the first pages, seeing that the book dealt with a differing facet of dreams, I thought it would be a wonderful book to add to my collection. After reading the book in its entirety, I decided differently.
If you are really interested in deciphering dreams, this book gives alternative deciphers. It also explains a little about dreams, including when you feel like you are literally outside of your body and communication with those who have passed on. Most dream books seem to exclude these issues, so if you have indeed had such a dream experience; rather than listening people tell you that you are crazy, here is a book that delves into the issue, explaining that it is as natural a part of dreaming as anything else.
The first third of the book is extremely interesting. The second third of the book discusses actual dreams, their significance and meaning. This is also the section of the book where more of the Eckankar religion is discussed. I feel I am extremely open about religion; while I am positive that others feel I more than likely should stray from religious infrastructures. Although I do not believe in religion, I am studying religions of every denomination in hopes of finding one which actually stays with the teaching of the Bible [or other religious instrument] while straying from intolerance and violence. I have yet to find such a religion. However, this religion, while it seems to stray from intolerance and violence also strays from the Bible and biblical teachings.
I have an extremely open mind towards spiritual growth; but I can only report what I honestly feel; this religion seems a bit strange, and I did learn that from this specific book. Rather than getting involved in the religious aspects of this book [I will be dealing with the Eckankar religion in a weekly article] let me specify the following about this book; if you are into dreams, their significance and meanings; or if you have had dreams that make others refer to you as crazy; than at least read the first two thirds of this book. The only other way I could possibly recommend this book is to say if you are studying various religions, this would be a great study reference for the Eckankar religion.
Blindside An FBI Thriller
The author, Catherine Coulter, seems to have a knack, unlike most FBI thrillers, this book is written without the technical terms and other technicalities I was use to finding in FBI thrillers. It is written in simple, clear precise language. How can a book of over 400 pages be simple, clear and concise and still hold your interest? She entwines several crimes into the same book, keeping each plot clear of the other while working them together.
The book starts with the FBI surrounding a house where they believe the new ‘math teacher’ serial killer is hold up with his next victim. Noted during the siege is that one of the FBI agents had been a policewoman in Washington, D.C., and when she took her career to the FBI, she brought her ‘snitches’ along with her. Although the “snitch” turns the FBI onto the present circumstance, and the siege nets the FBI a potential killer, it has nothing to do with the Math Teacher murders.
The action is then drawn to a former FBI agent, who left the FBI to take over his father’s business after his father passes away. His six year old son, Sam, has been kidnapped, taken directly from his own bed in his own house. The action moves from Virginia to Tennessee, where Sheriff Katie Benedict stumbles onto the escaped six-year-old.
When the father, escorted by Federal Agents comes to reclaim his son, it would seem that the story has met a happily ever after ending; but in reality, the story is just beginning. The action continues as the kidnappers make more attempts to kidnap Sam.
During the action, the agents are called back to the scene of the Math Teacher murders, and Katie and her crew finally catch the kidnapping culprits. After a week, Sam and his father return home, only to realize that Miles, Sam’s father, has fallen in love with Katie, and Katie with Miles.
As the two track each other down, the Math Teacher killer strikes again. Katie & Miles get married, Katie remaining for a while in Virginia, close to Washington, D.C. While on a picnic with the children and the main FBI characters the crew finds themselves being shot at in a park.
This book is so busy; you have to keep reading just to find out what will happen to whom next. Will the kidnapping business ever be concluded; will the Math Teacher killer ever be caught; why was it so important to include the new FBI agent’s snitches? Everything comes together in the end. Cases are solved, shootings are ceased, and Katie, Miles and children move back to Katie’s small hometown in Tennessee.
This is a great book, easy to understand, and despite the many plots running seemingly in different directions, they all come together in the end. While it is sometimes easy to pick out the who, in the who done it; this book is busy enough to keep you wondering whether or not you have discovered the right who! I definitely recommend this book!