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Instant Win Week of 5/29/05:
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This site is constantly being updated, as those of you who visit regularly already realize; however, utilizing email responses and tracking information; I have decided that updates are no longer adequate. My regular readers come to this site for a variety of information; they want to read fiction, they want to enter contests that they will really have a chance to win, or request freebies that they will receive without spending hours answering survey questions to get. My readers want to know if a book or movie is worth investing their time in. They want to know what rebates are available to them. They want to know what they can expect from the government that is supposed to be working for the people. They want to be educated in matters without having to invest hours of research on a topic. When my readers need information, they want to be able to send a simple email asking for the information without being placed on a mailing list, or spending hours trying to explain the information that they are looking to find. In short, my readers have busy lives; they are looking for simple pleasures and money saving techniques. Their time is precious; hopefully, I will be able to help my readers solve their needs. Beginning immediately, there will be specific changes on this site. First and foremost, the homepage will no longer be archived as it is updated. In fact, all of the past editions of this page will be deleted from the archives this week. I will also be deleting past editions of our sample, freebies, contest and creative contests pages from the archives. From this point in time onward, there will be no more than four such past pages listed. Articles, reviews and recipes will be archived for easy retrieval. From this point in time forward, readers will be able to read new movie and book reviews, at least once per week. I am looking for movies or books that my readers have considered reading, but would rather have someone else read or watch and give them an honest opinion regarding the book or movie before spending your valuable money and time on something that may not be what they had anticipated. Please email me at with your suggestions. Please check out my newest reviews: Unnatural Instinct Our previous reviewsThe Art of Spiritual Dreaming & Blindside, may be found by clicking on the link or going via the the archives. Links to an additional 23 reviews are available in the archives as well. For those interested in upcoming reviews, they will be as follows:
![]() ![]() ![]() Unnatural Instinct Final Edge Blind Instinct ![]() Case for Faith Have you been invited to join the Pay It Forward Challenge? NO? Well, don't wait for an invitation, you're missing all of the fun! JOIN US NOW! Recently, I began an intense Bible Study program. I have long thought of the Bible as less a religious item and more of an historical document. As far as religions go; I am not a religious person; I do believe in God, I do believe that Jesus was the son of God, I do not believe in religion. I have seen war, destruction and hatred generated by religious beliefs; whether one believes in God, Jesus, Jehovah, Buddha or anyone else, you must also realize that is wrong. Despite my religious conviction, or lack thereof, there is much about the Bible that I did not and still do not understand. Therefore, I have decided to set out on a quest to learn, not only about Jesus and his history, but about what differing religions believe and why. I have invited persons from various religions to study the Bible with me and to teach me about their religion. The second group which I have researched is the Religion of Eckankar. Again, I have completed an indebpt research and welcome everyone to read and review the article; Eckankar: Religion or Cult? Anyone disagreeing with me is welcome to email me [] For those of you who feel my opinion is incorrect, I ask that you not just write your opinion stating that I am incorrect, but offer me references as to where I will be able to locate information which substantiates your opinions and beliefs. As I have done with the rebuttals against my article: Mormonism: Fact or Farce?< I will post the rebuttals and my replies on a separate webpage. The Federal Bill page has been updated with information on bill H.R. 1050: A Living Wage, Jobs For All Act. This bill affects nearly 80% of the population of the United States. This is extremely important; please make yourself familiar not only with the Bill but also with the representatives that are sponsoring this bill. Discuss it with friends, family and co-workers and begin a massive influx of telephone calls, emails and letters in support of this bill to your Federal Representative. Next week I will be looking into a Bill concerning Veteran’s Health Benefits. Please stop back, check out the bill, read my editorial and do what you can to support [or, if you [prefer] kill this bill before it becomes law. Be advised; presently I feel the bill is promising, as I conclude my investigation and complete the page we will see if I continue to feel that way. Each day I am adding new items to our Trash & Treasure Store. I have divided the pages up to make the store more easily accessible to those utilizing sial up connection. We have added new items and of course, taken off those items we have sold! I have completed the Tips & Tricks page. After nine years of suffering with uncontrollable chronic pain, I now feel like a new person, but it takes more than drugs to keep the feeling alive. Stop in and check out this new page, especially if you suffer any pain at all! I have just completed another chapter for my read and review page. Please take the time to check it out and email your own review to us! [] The recipes for Hellman's Spinach Dip & Louise's Chili. have been moved into the the archives. This week's new recipes are: Louise's Caramel Cream Apple Dip & Candy Filling and Easy Baked Ziti
I will give a $10.00
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